New Location! Join us on January 5th at our new location at 10110 SE Linwood Ave. Same time and schedule.

Christian Passover April 18

Worship. Dinner. A Reminder of God's Love.

Join us for a unique worship service this year. 

We’re celebrating

The Christian Passover

Celebrating God’s deliverance of Israel from slavery and the world’s greater freedom from sin and death through the Lamb of God.

It’s a Worship Service, it’s a meal, 

it is a reminder of God’s love.

Thursday, April 18, 2019

5:30-7:45 PM

Hosted by Amazing Grace Lutheran Church

10110 SE Linwood Ave. Milwaukie, OR

This is a worship service that is celebrated at the dinner table and lasts over 2 hours.  

Participants are seated at tables in “families” of 6-8.  

Each participant is given a “role” for the evening (father, mother, child).  Children are welcome.  

A traditional Passover meal is served amid the worship.  

 Questions? Contact: Valerie Johnson –

Sign up is now closed.

  • The Passover is celebrated at "the table" with every participant having a family roll. (Mother, Father, or one of four children.)
  • Therefore, we need to know exactly who is coming. Seats are assigned and organized so that each "family" has all their "rolls" filled.
  • If plans change, please let us know so we can update the seating. Otherwise "your" table will be missing a part of their family. We wouldn't want anyone to be left at a table by themselves.

If you sign up, it's a commitment to join us.

Tables will be set and you will be expected.

If plans change, please let us know.

What to Expect

Arrive 10-15 minutes early so that we can begin on time.

Find your assigned seat in the Fellowship Hall. Families will be seated together.

Look over the program and introduction page that will be at your plate.

Discover the role you are to play for the evening.

Your worship booklet will have your "lines" highlighted. There are one or two lines that you will say with the other "mothers" or "children" at the other tables.

The majority of the worship will be lead by the pastor and a few of the "fathers."

The evening begins with the Seder worship while seated at the table.

We are reminded of all the Lord had done for the Israelites, the promise of the Savior, and how he orchestrated their release from slavery in Egypt.

We are introduced to the items on the Seder plate, and how the items were meant to teach & remind of God's love.

This takes about an hour.

Then we will enjoy dinner together.

Finally, we close with a few songs and prayer to conclude the evening.

The Meal

A traditional Passover meal is served amid the worship.

The food will be Jewish and Mediteranean in nature. 

Comment when you RSVP if you have any food allergies or restrictions.

Donations will be accepted to help defray the cost of the meal.